"Online sale of fresh truffle and truffle preparations"

info@esporagourmet.com | +34  975 23 25 80


"Espora Gourmet is the company from Soria that is specialised in mycology delicatessen products, and is expert in fresh black truffles. They are the only ones that have made that the fresh black truffle don't loose weight, quality and attributes once picked up. It keeps its natural humidity, flavour, texture and taste.

Blanca López and Roberto Antón, owners of Espora Gourmet, tell us that this is due to the modification of the athmosphere, proccess they have developed after years of research.

Innovation is the key of all the products of Espora Gourmet, like their Black Truffle Pearls, that have conquered the best chefs all around the world. And they are succesful in countries from Europe, America and Asia, even in Italy, where the truffle is one of the star products."


Compartir en

Polígono Industrial Las Casas
Calle D, Parcela 13 nave 16.
42005 | Soria (Spain)


+34 975232580

Our schedule

Monday to Thursday
8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Saturday and sunday

Buy Soria truffle online

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Subsidized performance:

Participation in the IGEHO 2019 Fair (Basel, Switzerland, from November 16 to 20) and promotional material in several languages, international expansion of SMEs. No. Expt. 08/18/SO/0036.


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