Pizza Margherita with Tuber melanosporum


  • 1 pizza base
  • 1 fresh tomato, grounded
  • 1 small bag of fresh Mozzarella
  • Parmesan cheese
  • Fresh truffle
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • Pepper, oregano
  • Salt to taste




Fry the tomato in the olive oil, and season with salt, pepper and oregano. After done, lay the pizza dough and add the tomato with a big spoon. Shred the fresh mozzarella and put it all over the pizza. Put in the preheated oven at 180ºC for 10-15 minutes. Shave or grate some fresh truffle over the pizza, and some freshly grated parmesan cheese. You can substitute the fresh truffle with our Black Truffle Pearls.

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Actuación subvencionada:

Participación en la Feria IGEHO 2019 (Basilea, Suiza, del 16 al 20 de noviembre) y material promocional en varios idiomas, expansión internacional de Pymes. Nº. Expte. 08/18/SO/0036.


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