Truffle Fair of Abejar 2017

The Truffle Fair of Abejar (soria) has become an event of reference not only in Spain, but in other countries that want to know everything about this precious tuber. This year the Fair had a record participation, of truffle gatherers and food businesses.

Espora Gourmet was present in this important Fair. We also participated in the biggest black truffle contest, finishing on 3er place with a 222 g truffle. Our products, free from artificial flavouring, and our truffle preservation system, were highlighted in this important event.

The main meal was held at the Rural House, by the chef Juan Carlos Benito, from Espacio Grumer.


20 de febrero de 2017
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Actuación subvencionada:

Participación en la Feria IGEHO 2019 (Basilea, Suiza, del 16 al 20 de noviembre) y material promocional en varios idiomas, expansión internacional de Pymes. Nº. Expte. 08/18/SO/0036.


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